Angel of Mercy
Suddenly, the noise of the truck is overpowered by the deafening sound of an explosion. Panic stricken, Nick looks up to see a huge mushroom cloud of fire and black smoke billowing upward.
By the time Nick reaches the scene, several paramedics are busily working on what is left of Joey, another hot oil truck operator. Nick watches, mesmerized by the skill of the rescuers…
After the accident the company begins laying off employees — Nick is one of them. He decides to apply to nursing school. Two months later he is selected to interview.
Dean: Well let’s get right to it. Why should I select you?
Nick: I need a job. I thought this would be a good start.
Dean: Nursing is much more than a job. What makes an oil field worker decide on nursing?
Nick: My mother was a nurse. I always wanted to go into medicine.
Nick: There’s a lot of people that need help out there. I think I could do that.
Nick graduates nursing school and gets a job in Fort Worth.
Nick, dressed in scrubs, enters the cubicle of an elderly woman, Mrs. Paulson. “Are you ready for your dressing change?” he asks her. It’s a sternal chest wound that is badly infected. Carefully, he irrigates the wound and starts to repack it sterilely with forceps.
Mrs. Paulson: It must be true what they say.
Nick: And what’s that?
Mrs. Paulson: Y’all really are angels of mercy.